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Updated list 30 09 14
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Αναζήτηση Τεκμηρίων
commandaria [κουμανδαρία]
Amber-coloured dessert wine.
Πηγή: http://revecca.com/">
Πηγή: http://revecca.com/" width="200" />
Ονομασία - Προέλευση
Λειτουργικός & Συμβολικός Ρόλος
Συμπληρωματικές Πληροφορίες & Βιβλιογραφία
Ονομασία - Προέλευση
Κυπριακή Ονομασία Τροφίμου
Ελληνική ονομασία - Περιγραφή
Commandaria is an amber-coloured dessert wine produced in the island of Cyprus since 4000 years ago. It is produced by local Cyprus grapes mavro [black] and xinisteri [a fruity white grape]. The initial references about Commandaria are going back to ancient Greek poet Homer who mentions a sweet wine produced in Cyprus (Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas)).
Γλωσσικές Παρατηρήσεις
Commandaria gets its name from the Gran Commanderie, an area surrounding the well preserved Kolossi Castle which is located west of Limassol (Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas)).
Μέθοδος Εξασφάλισης
Συστηματική καλλιέργεια
Μέθοδος Επεξεργασίας
Production: Commandaria is made exclusively from two types of indigenous Cyprus grapes: Xynisteri and Mavro. Only grapes from vineyards that have been planted for at least four years are allowed while watering is prohibited. The grapes are left to overripe on the vine and when sugar content reaches acceptable levels (high degree baume) they are harvested. More specifically, Xynisteri is picked when at around 12 baume and Mavro at 15-16 baume. The grapes are then laid out in the sun to further increase the sugar density through evaporation. When the baume reaches 19 to 23, the juice is extracted thorough crushing and pressing. Fermentation has to take place within the confines of the fourteen designated villages that lie in the Commandaria Region and the levels of alcohol achieved is up to 15%. Commandaria, by law is aged for at least two years in Oak Barrels but this can take place outside the above designated area within Cyprus under strict control and under the conditions laid down in Cypriot legislation.
Λειτουργικός & Συμβολικός Ρόλος
Διατροφική Αξία και Σημασία στη Διατροφή των Κυπρίων
Εορταστικές Περιστάσεις
Συμβολικές Χρήσεις
Χρήση από Ηλικιακές Ομάδες
Συμπληρωματικές Πληροφορίες & Βιβλιογραφία
Συμπληρωματικά Στοιχεία
Commandaria gets its name from the Gran Commanderie, an area surrounding the well preserved Kolossi Castle which is located west of Limassol. The Castle was the Commanderia (Headquarters) of the Knights Templars in the 12th Century. The wine became very famous among the Knights. It was consumed locally but also was exported to many European Royal Courts. Soon the wine became synonymous with Gran Commanderie and afterwards this name was extended also to the area where the wine was produced. During his Marriage with Berengaria, In the 12th century Richard the Lionheart pronounced Commandaria as the “wine of the kings and the king of the wines” (Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas)). Commandaria Region The geographical indication refers to an area of 14 villages located in the southwest part of the island of Cyprus on the south facing slopes of the Troodos mountains at an altitude of 500-900m that have been known as "Commandaria." The 14 villages that compose the Commandaria wine-producing area include Ayios Yeorgios, Ayios Constantinos, Ayios Mamas, Ayios Pavlos, Apsiou, Yerasa, Doros, Zoopiyi, Kalo Chorio, Kapilio, Lania, Louvaras, Monagri and Sylikou (Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas)). The wine has a rich history, said to date back to the time of the ancient Greeks, where it was a popular drink at festivals celebrating the goddess Aphrodite. A dried grape wine from Cyprus was first known to be described in 800 BC by the Greek poet Hesiod and was known as the Cypriot Manna. Legend has it that in the 13th century Philip Augustus of France held the first ever wine tasting competition. The event, branded The Battle of the Wines (fr. La Bataille des Vins), was recorded in a notable French poem written by Henry d'Andeli in 1224. The competition which included wines from all over Europe and France, was won by a wine from Cyprus widely believed to be Commandaria. Another legend has it that an Ottoman sultan invaded the island just to acquire Commandaria (Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas)).
Διαδικτυακή πηγή: Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas), "Commandaria Wine", http://revecca.com/. Πηγή φωτογραφίας: "Commandaria is made exclusively from two types of indigenous Cyprus grapes: Xynisteri and Mavro" (http://revecca.com/)
Ερευνητής / Καταχωρητής
Στάλω Λαζάρου, Αργυρώ Ξενοφώντος
Σχετικό Περιεχόμενο - Συνταγές
Ψαρονέφρι ρολό γεμιστό, με σάλτσα κουμανταρίας
Σύγχρονη συνταγή που, αν και παραπέμπει σε ανάλογα της ελληνικής και διεθνούς κουζίνας, διατηρεί επίσης στοιχεία της κυπριακής μαγειρικής. Βασίζεται στο χοιρινό, ένα είδος κρέατος το οποίο προτιμάται ιδιαίτερα στην Κύπρο. Παράλληλα, στο πιάτο προσδίδει ένα ξεχωριστό γευστικό χαρακτήρα η κουμανταρία, κρασί που είναι συνδεδεμένο με την ιστορία του νησιού.
Σχετικό Περιεχόμενο - Σχετική Βιβλιογραφία
Revecca Winery - Museum (Agios Mamas), "Commandaria Wine", http://revecca.com/.
Σχετικό Περιεχόμενο - Τρόφιμα
κουμανταρκά - κουμανταρία,η
Η κουμανδαρία (ή κουμανταρία) είναι ένα γλυκό επιδόρπιο κρασί, που παράγεται στη περιοχή Κουμανδαρίας της Κύπρου, στους πρόποδες της οροσειράς Τροόδους. Έχει κατοχυρωθεί από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ως προϊόν ελεγχόμενης ονομασίας προέλευσης.
Το έργο συγχρηματοδοτείται από το Ίδρυμα Προώθησης Έρευνας Κύπρου και τα Διαρθρωτικά Ταμεία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης.
Η ΔΕΣΜΗ 2008 χρηματοδοτείται από την Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία και το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης της Ε.Ε
Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα
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